
Estrogens are found in the ovaries. This hormone is at its highest after every time a female has her menstrual period until
menopause. Estrogens help develop your body parts, such as breasts, heart, brain and hips. Estrogens help:
part in female's mental health, these hormones are very important!
menopause. Estrogens help develop your body parts, such as breasts, heart, brain and hips. Estrogens help:
- Increase bone formation
- increase good cholesterol
- improves lung functions
part in female's mental health, these hormones are very important!
Basically progesterone help slow down the estrogen activity and grows that activity somewhere else, where its needed. It also
helps strengthen your bones. progesterone plays a big role in how active it is when it comes to breast tissue. Progesterone helps:
Cutler, Michael. "The Benefits of Progesterone, The Problems With Progestin (Provera®): Hormones For Women." Easy
Health Options. N.p., 06 May 2012. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
Health Book Page 388
Mandal, Ananya, Dr. "Estrogen Function." News-Medical.net. N.p., 16 Apr. 2010. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
Health Options. N.p., 06 May 2012. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
Health Book Page 388
Mandal, Ananya, Dr. "Estrogen Function." News-Medical.net. N.p., 16 Apr. 2010. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.