Automobile Accidents Olive. S

According to Smart Motorists, car accidents are defined as an unexpected and undesirable events, a mishap unforeseen and without apparent cause. Most accidents occur because of collisions that could be avoid.
what causes car accidents?
Teen Drivers
Who is at risk?
what causes car accidents?
- Poor hazard detection
- Low risk perception
- Talking or texting while driving
- Lack of skill
- Consumption of alcohol and drugs
- Carrying passengers
- Night driving
- Speeding
- Driving on the fast lane
Teen Drivers
- Among the 1,237 People hospitalized for burns, 127 (10%) are people hospitalized for motor vehicle - related burns.
- In 2011, about 2.650 teens in the U.S were killed and almost 292,000 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicle accidents.
- Alcohol was found in a minimum of 43% of the accident victims, and more than 80% had been violating the traffic rules.
- They aged from 16-19.
- Thirty percent as in ($19 billion) among males and twenty eight percent as in ($7 billion) among females are the total costs of motor injuries in the U.S.
Who is at risk?
- Newly licensed teens : crash risk is high during the first month
- Teen driving with teen passengers
- Males are are at a higher risk of crashing than females
- Ages 16-to-19 are at higher risk of crashing than any other age group

Seventy-nine percent of teenage motor vehicle crash deaths in 2012 were passenger vehicle occupants. The others were pedestrians (10 percent), motorcyclists (5 percent), bicyclists (3 percent), riders of all-terrain vehicles (1 percent) and people in other kinds of vehicles (2 percent).
Car accidents and their long term effects on health
- Depression
- Long term stress
- Anxiety
- Sleeping problems
- post traumatic stress disorder
Car accidents can cause different injuries to to your body depending on the way you crashed or collided with something.
What are some injuries associated with car accidents?
What are some injuries associated with car accidents?
- Neck Injuries ( Whiplash and neck strain that can lead to more serious injuries such as cervical dislocation and disc injury.
- Brain and Head Injuries (mild symptoms, cuts or bruises)
- Back Injuries (sprains and strains, herniated discs and fractured vertebrae).
- Facial injuries ( scrapes and bruises, to laceration and fractures, could affect the jaw if you are in a critical situation and serious dental injuries).
- Internal Injuries ( affect the liver, lungs and heart)
- Spinal cord injuries ( Loss of function or feeling)
- Psychological injuries ( anxiety, depression, could lead to death, emotional distress)

Possible Prevention and what could be done.
- Accidents keep on happening every day, every now and then and the safest way from not getting into an accident is by prevention, not doing the illegal things that would lead to a crash.
- Road traffic collisions and incidents often have more than one person to blame. However, many of the reasons involve the drivers directly, even in cases where they are simply responsible because they were not conscientious of adverse driving conditions.
- The government could be pressed to make intersections safer, or to put barriers on every road to stop people going off road. But, the biggest factor is the driver, and there is only so much pampering that a government can do when trying to make the roads safer.
National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey Report to Congress.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, 2008. Web.
"Preventing Traffic Accidents - Borough of Franklin Lakes ." Preventing
Traffic Accidents - Borough of Franklin Lakes . N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec.
"Teenage Driver Crash Statistics." Teenage Driver Crash Statistics.California Department of Motor Vehicles, 2011. Web. 13 Dec. 2014.
Brooks, Jacqueline. "Impact of Car Accidents Can Be Long-Lasting."WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2014.
"Common Injuries." Common Injuries. Carranza LLp, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2014.
National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey Report to Congress.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, 2008. Web.
"Preventing Traffic Accidents - Borough of Franklin Lakes ." Preventing
Traffic Accidents - Borough of Franklin Lakes . N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec.
"Teenage Driver Crash Statistics." Teenage Driver Crash Statistics.California Department of Motor Vehicles, 2011. Web. 13 Dec. 2014.
Brooks, Jacqueline. "Impact of Car Accidents Can Be Long-Lasting."WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2014.
"Common Injuries." Common Injuries. Carranza LLp, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2014.